crafted works

To set oneself apart, to be different from the rest, one needs to break with conventions to pave the way for new approaches and perspectives.

Quintessenz is a collective that dwells on materials, space and the transitions in between. Thomas Granseuer and Tomislav Topic are Quintessenz. They have their studios in Berlin and Hannover. Having started of as a team in 2008.Both of them have their roots in the graffiti scene, and worked together on projects during their time as students at the University of applied arts and sciences in Hildesheim.The emphasis is on film, installation, mural art and painting. Always thinking “processual”, handmade is a strong priority for them.In their work they combine the analog and the digital, and that’s apparent in their workshop and in the many objects and installation they built. In addition to their work for customers, they also have a strong priority to their independent projects. For them it’s important to strike a good balance between independent projects and client work. They like to go on tour and see where the road takes them … and the freedom to experiment is what gives them the inspiration to explore new paths and ideas, and to produce great work. 2015 they got elected to one of 10 pathbreaking creative studios in Germany. Currently they are working as lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hildesheim. They are Artists, Founder and Creative Directors.

our skillz

Combining different techniques and creating esthetical bonds is the moment of artistry in the hands of the creator.


Shapes, planes and colors affect their surroundings. They tell stories, they can be simple, complex or just plain decorative, they should be in harmony with their environment. Choosing the right nuances, motives and graphics to create large-scale art is a challenge countered by experience. In- or outdoors: we merge modern and classic approaches to create unique identities.


We move within spaces and once we enter, we become a part of them. Working with these spaces, giving them structure and new shapes, manipulating them to create new worlds inspires us and opens up new ways to experiment, think and feel. We constantly evolve through the materials we use and strive to reinvent shapes and concepts of space that culminate in three-dimensional realities.


Moving pictures and animations tend to have unique impact on their viewers. They can invoke strong emotions, tell stories or communicate complex issues. They open up virtual worlds and powerful imagery to create the nonexistent. We breathe life into graphics, shapes and colors to create singular moments through traditional video and stop-motion.


A single stroke can tell the story of a detailed illustration. Simple lines extracted to their essence, elaborate drawings or subtle sketches posses the power to fascinate and mesmerize both the viewer and the creator. We illustrate to create, we mash up and print out, we post posters and graph graphics – all in the spirit to fuse and meld them into completion.


Unique concepts have to prove themselves and persist in actual contexts to meticulously evolve into excellent ideas.



People are linked through communication: dialogue, expression and creativity. The skill to express ones thoughts and feelings is the backbone to powerful art.


  • WAND WAND Gruppenausstellung – Rosenheim
  • Farbtöne Festival AYCP Halle
  • Splash Festival / Creative Camp Ferropolis
  • Gruppenausstellung OZM Galerie Hamburg
  • Interview Page Online Magazin
  • Fuchsbau Festival Hannover
  • Vortrag HAWK Hochschule Hildesheim
  • IBUG Festival Crimmitschau
  • Analog Mensch Digital Exhibition Direktorenhaus Berlin
  • Urban Art Festival Winterthur Schweiz
  • Vortrag Internationale Farb Konferenz


  • Streetartmeeting YAAM Ausstellung, Wandgestaltung, Berlin
  • Cons Space 002 Berlin Ausstellung, Installation, Berlin
  • All you can paint Streetartfestival, Wandgestaltung, Halle
  • Ibug 2013 Streetartfestival, Wandgestaltung, Zwickau
  • BC Gallerie Wandgestaltung, Berlin
  • „Fünf“ Künstlerbuch Buchbeitrag
  • Berlin What? Buchbeitrag


  • Idealist Issue 2 Buchbeitrag
  • Remixing Realities Ausstellung Neonchocolate Gallery Berlin
  • ArtFair Cologne Blooom Award by Warsteiner Ausstellung und Finalist Köln
  • Stroke Urban Artfair Berlin Urban Art Messe Ausstellung Berlin
  • IBUG 2012 Streetartfestival, Installation, Ausstellung Glauchau
  • Artbase Teufelsberg Ausstellung Berlin
  • Teenager Mutant Magazinbeitag Temp Vol. 3
  • OZM Gallery Kooperation Lauritz Auktionshaus Ausstellung Hamburg
  • Converse Werbekampagne – „Just add color“ Projektpartner
  • Humanobrid Maganzinbeitrag Page/ Magazinbeitag Temp Vol. 2
  • White Cubes Jahresausstellung, HAWK Hildesheim


  • Medienpädagogik Workshopleitung Telefonica Germany
  • Color my Kingdom Farb stop Motion Film, Arte – Most viewed short film
  • Stadtbad Berlin Stadtmarkt Ausstellung
  • Webcuts 11 Nominiert für den Berlinaward
  • IBO Das Handwerk, Projektleitung Imagefilm Friedrichshafen
  • IBUG Streetartfestival, Farb Stop Motion Film Meerane
  • Mut zur Wut Plakatwettbewerb mit anschließender Ausstellung Heidelberg
  • Leipziger Buchmesse Messestand Gestaltung und Umsetzung für HAWK Gestaltung
  • ADC Ausstellung Junior Art Award Frankfurt


  • IIT (Institut International Trendscouting), Trendstudie 2020 Hildesheim
  • Planetopia / Sat 1 Fernsehbeitrag über Stop Motion Technik Hildesheim
  • Hunger nach Solidarität Solidaritätsdienst-internationla e.V. Erster Platz, Plakatwettbewerb
  • True Colors Ausstellung Platine Köln / Austellung 16th Encounters Filmfestival Bristol ( GB ) / Magazinbeitrag Page
  • True Colors Premiere Farb Stop Motion Film Hildesheim
  • Im kleinen Rahmen 1 & 2 Gemeinschaftsausstellung Hannover


  • Innovative Methoden Installation Faust e.V. Hannover
  • Vortrag Wandgestaltung HAWK Hildesheim Hildesheim
  • Leerraum Farb Stop Motion Film, Ausstellung Großstadtrekorder Hannover
  • Color in Motion III Ausstellung Versus Hannover
  • Color in Motion I Ausstellung Tatorte, Design braucht Täter Köln
  • Designzoom Podiumsdiskussion, Projektorganisation und Umsetzung, Hildesheim


  • Color in Motion II Farb Stop Motion Film, Ausstellung Phoenixwerke Hildesheim
  • Color in Motion I Farb Stop Motion Film, Ausstellung Internationale Farbtagung Berlin, Jahresausstellung HAWK, Auszeichnung 3fg Award.